Selamat Datang

Harap persinggahan anda akan mendatangkan manfaat kepada diri saya dan anda.

Ini blog saya. Simple aje. Di blog ini, saya akan cuba berkongsi apa yang saya suka dan percaya, dengan anda.

Saya suka:
masak | beading | baking | deco makanan | gardening | interior design | breastfeeding | photography | reading | horoskop | keep in touch with friends | entertaining | tafsir mimpi | dan banyak lagi.

Saya percaya, kita perlu:
pandai cakap omputih| pandai bahasa malaysia | tahu banyak shortcuts untuk memudahkan hidup kita | belajar dan sedar bahawa mesti ada sebab Islam menyuruh itu dan ini | cuba korek rahsia-rahsia di sebalik ajaran Islam | dan banyak lagi.

InsyaAllah nanti, akan ada kawan-kawan blog ini, untuk bisness pulak - tempahan jahit manik dan penjualan madu. Cari link tentang tempahan jahit manik dan penjualan madu di sebelah kanan tu, ya..!

Terima kasih singgah. Kalau panjang umur, nanti datang lagi, ya!! Sayonara!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New week, new upgraded pc, new plans and hopes.

It's a new week.
I've got a new upgraded pc, can now access both linux and Windows at the same time. That is sooooo cool, coz now I can do lotsa things I like and have to. Yey!

But there are many things I have to tidy up, so things feel slower than I'd like them to be, I mean, having to first tidy up things, when I'd rather do fun things, like updating and playing with this blog thing.

I am still experimenting with this bloke blog, learning how to make it functions like I wish.

For now, it serves to show you what I can offer you, I do beading and sell honey.

I get the honey stock from a man in Mentakab, Pahang.
It is pure honey, there are a few types, pure forest honey or the locals call it Madu Tualang (Tualang is a type of tree where the bees make they beehive).

I also sell Royal Jelly, from forest bee, too.

And I sell reared bees (Madu Lebah Bela lah tu).

You will soon find articles and findings on the goodness of honey, Godwilling.

Another thing I am so much into now is beading.

I also offer beading services. For now I am still learning. Godwilling, you'll find samples of my beading soon, too. (maybe right after this post?)

For the services I offer, I do not charge expensively. Although I know some may feel the more expensive they pay, the better quality of product they get. But I just cannot charge like that, it is not right.

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