Selamat Datang

Harap persinggahan anda akan mendatangkan manfaat kepada diri saya dan anda.

Ini blog saya. Simple aje. Di blog ini, saya akan cuba berkongsi apa yang saya suka dan percaya, dengan anda.

Saya suka:
masak | beading | baking | deco makanan | gardening | interior design | breastfeeding | photography | reading | horoskop | keep in touch with friends | entertaining | tafsir mimpi | dan banyak lagi.

Saya percaya, kita perlu:
pandai cakap omputih| pandai bahasa malaysia | tahu banyak shortcuts untuk memudahkan hidup kita | belajar dan sedar bahawa mesti ada sebab Islam menyuruh itu dan ini | cuba korek rahsia-rahsia di sebalik ajaran Islam | dan banyak lagi.

InsyaAllah nanti, akan ada kawan-kawan blog ini, untuk bisness pulak - tempahan jahit manik dan penjualan madu. Cari link tentang tempahan jahit manik dan penjualan madu di sebelah kanan tu, ya..!

Terima kasih singgah. Kalau panjang umur, nanti datang lagi, ya!! Sayonara!!

Monday, May 31, 2010


Isnin 31hb Mei 2010

The Government of Malaysia is urged to condemn Israeli raid on the Lifeline4Gaza

humanitarian aid flotilla

Latest Development on the Lifeline4Gaza Flotilla

1. As have been widely publicised, the Lifeline4Gaza flotilla has come under attack by the

Israeli armed forces. Israeli aggressors have boarded the capital ship Mavi Marmara and open

fire resulting in 3 volunteers dead and more than 30 others seriously injured. Mavi Marmara

is one of the 7 strong flotilla enroute to Gaza to deliver the much awaited material aids to

the besieged people of Gaza. 

2. Twelve volunteers including media representatives from Malaysia is on board the capital

ship Mavi Marmara. Their participation is purely humanitarian in nature.

3. All the objectives and movement of the flotilla is in compliance with the UN Security

Council Resolution 1860 (2009) and all relevant maritime regulations. Resolution 1860 stated

among others:

a) Appeal for deliverance of humanitarian aid to Gaza including food, fuel and medical

b) Urge efforts to ease passage and other mechanisms for the unimpeded deliverance of aids.
c) Call for all nations to support such efforts at the international level to alleviate the

dire humanitarian and economic situation in Gaza
d) condemns acts of agression and attacks on civilians and all forms of acts of terrorism.

Every Malaysian participants in the flotilla are holding fast to the international

regulations and laws and vow to uphold the goodname of Malaysia and our national


4. The flotilla is laden with 10,000 tonnes of material aid. Over 540 volunteers are on

board Mavi Marmara, including Parliamentarians, academics, journalists, scholars, an infant

less than a year old and a senior citizen over 80 years old. No weapons were brought in this

flotilla even for self defense which testifies to the wholly humanitarian nature of the


5. Based on these facts it is very clear indeed that Israel has violated international laws.

Whatmore the raid took place in international waters and on an unarmed aid ship on a

humanitarian mission. Israeli rash action deserve a worldwide condemnation in the strongest

possible term.

6. We appeal to the Government of Malaysia under the premiership of YAB Dato' Seri Mohd

Najib Tun Razak and Datin Seri Paduka Rosmah Mansor in her capacity as patron for the

Palestinian Aid Donations Drive to issue a statement condemning Israel for the murderous

aggression on a peaceful flotilla whose objective is to deliver aid to the beseiged people

of Gaza.

7. We call for the UN to convene an emergency assembly to pass a strong resolution against

Israel and to summon Israeli leaders to the international court of justice for crime against


8. We call upon the Malaysians from all walks of life to express their utmost concern of the

grave situation and to be ready to respond to any need for action and calls for our support

in dealing with the incident.

9. We appeal to all political leaders, NGOs and the Malaysia people to join together in

coming to the aid of the volunteers. 

10. We also call upon every strata of the society to continue to supplicate and pray for the

success of this mission and the safety of the volunteers from further untoward incidence.

Zulkifli Mohd Nani
Crises Management Team for LL4G Malaysia

Gaza aid flotilla attacked, two killed

misi relief aid ke Gaza yang disertai 50 negara inc. 8 Malaysian volunteers. They were attacked earlier today in the international water by the Israeli forces. 2 were killed,

Israeli forces have attacked the international aid convoy Freedom Flotilla en route to the besieged Gaza Strip, killing at least two people and leaving more than 50 injured.

The attack came on Monday morning after one of the six ships in the convoy was hit by Israeli navy forces before being stormed by commandos descending from helicopters.

Israel had earlier deployed warships and threatened to stop the flotilla from reaching Gaza.

Israeli navy forces and helicopters have taken over the ships in the humanitarian aid convoy and are using force against those on board, a Press TV correspondent reported.

Israeli soldiers have also reportedly detained activists accompanying the convoy.

In Gaza, Palestine's democratically elected Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh strongly condemned the attack on the flotilla and called on the international community to protect the aid mission.

The convoy carries 10,000 tons of supplies and hundreds of politicians, activists and journalists.

The flotilla was seeking to break Israel's crippling blockade of Gaza and deliver basic necessities to the impoverished Palestinians in the coastal enclave.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ten ways to build your child's self-esteem

by Sarah Henry
Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board

Nurturing your preschooler's self-esteem may seem like a hefty responsibility. After all, a feeling of self-worth lays the foundation for your preschooler's future as he sets out to try new things on his own. "Self-esteem comes from having a sense of belonging, believing that we're capable, and knowing our contributions are valued and worthwhile," says California family therapist Jane Nelsen, co-author of the Positive Discipline series.

"As any parent knows, self-esteem is a fleeting experience," says Nelsen. "Sometimes we feel good about ourselves and sometimes we don't. What we're really trying to teach our kids are life skills like resiliency." Your goal as a person is to ensure that your child develops pride and self-respect — in himself and in his cultural roots — as well as faith in his ability to handle life's challenges (for a preschooler that may mean copying capital letters accurately). Here are ten simple strategies to help boost your child's self-esteem:

Give unconditional love. A child's self-esteem flourishes with the kind of no-strings-attached devotion that says, "I love you, no matter who you are or what you do." Your child benefits the most when you accept him for who he is regardless of his strengths, difficulties, temperament, or abilities. So lavish him with love. Give him plenty of cuddles, kisses, and pats on the shoulder. And don't forget to tell him how much you love him. When you do have to correct your child, make it clear that it's his behavior — not him — that's unacceptable. For instance, instead of saying, "You're a naughty boy! Why can't you be good?" say, "Pushing Gabriel isn't nice. It can hurt. Please don't push."

Pay attention. Carve out time to give your preschooler your undivided attention. That does wonders for your child's self-worth because it sends the message that you think he's important and valuable. It doesn't have to take a lot of time; it just means taking a moment to stop flicking through the mail if he's trying to talk with you or turning off the TV long enough to answer a question. Make eye contact so it's clear that you're really listening to what he's saying. When you're strapped for time, let your child know it without ignoring his needs. Say, "Tell me all about the picture you drew, and then when you're finished, I'll need to make our dinner."

Teach limits. Establish a few reasonable rules for your preschooler. For instance, if you tell your child he has to eat his snack in the kitchen, don't let him wander around the family room with his crackers and fruit the next day. Or if you tell him to put his dirty clothes in the laundry basket, don't say it's okay to pile them on the floor. Knowing that certain family rules are set in stone will help him feel more secure. It may take constant repetition on your part, but he'll start to live by your expectations soon enough. Just be clear and consistent and show him that you trust him to do the right thing.

Support healthy risks. Encourage your child to explore something new, such as trying a different food, finding a best pal, or riding a bike. Though there's always the possibility of failure, without risk there's little opportunity for success. So let your child safely experiment, and resist the urge to intervene. For instance, try not to "rescue" him if he's showing mild frustration at figuring out a new toy. Even jumping in to say, "I'll do it" can foster dependence and diminish your child's confidence. You'll build his self-esteem by balancing your need to protect him with his need to tackle new tasks.

Let mistakes happen. The flip side, of course, of having choices and taking risks is that sometimes your child is bound to make mistakes. These are valuable lessons for your child's confidence. So if your child puts his plate too close to the edge of the table and it tips, encourage him to think about what he might do differently next time. That way his self-esteem won't sag and he'll understand that it's okay to make mistakes sometimes. When you goof up yourself, admit it, says Daniel Meier, assistant professor of elementary education at San Francisco State University. Acknowledging and recovering from your mistakes sends a powerful message to your child — it makes it easier for your child to accept his own shortcomings.

Celebrate the positive. Everyone responds well to encouragement, so make an effort to acknowledge the good things your child does every day within his earshot. For instance, tell his dad, "Joshua washed all the vegetables for dinner." He'll get to bask in the glow of your praise and his dad's heartening response. And be specific. Instead of saying "Good job," say, "Thank you for waiting so patiently in line." This will enhance his sense of accomplishment and self-worth and let him know exactly what he did right.

Listen well. If your child needs to talk, stop and listen to what he has to say. He needs to know that his thoughts, feelings, desires, and opinions matter. Help him get comfortable with his emotions by labeling them. Say, "I understand you're sad because you have to say bye to your school pals." By accepting his emotions without judgment, you validate his feelings and show that you value what he has to say. If you share your own feelings ("I'm excited about going to the zoo"), he'll gain confidence expressing his own.

Resist comparisons. Comments such as "Why can't you be more like your sister?" or "Why can't you be nice like Peter?" will just remind your child of where he struggles in a way that fosters shame, envy, and competition. Even positive comparisons, such as "You're the best player" are potentially damaging because a child can find it hard to live up to this image. If you let your child know you appreciate him for the unique individual he is, he'll be more likely to value himself too.

Offer empathy. If your child compares himself unfavorably to his siblings or peers ("Why can't I catch a ball like Sophia?"), show him empathy and then emphasize one of his strengths. For instance, say, "You're right. Sophia is good at catching. And you're good at painting pictures." This can help your child learn that we all have strengths and weaknesses, and that he doesn't have to be perfect to feel good about himself.

Provide encouragement. Every child needs the kind of support from loved ones that signals, "I believe in you. I see your effort. Keep going!" Encouragement means acknowledging progress — not just rewarding achievement. So if your preschooler is struggling to fasten his snaps, say, "You're trying very hard and you almost have it!" instead of "Not like that. Let me do it."

There's a difference between praise and encouragement. One rewards the task while the other rewards the person ("You did it!" rather than "I'm proud of you!"). Praise can make a child feel that he's only "good" if he does something perfectly. Encouragement, on the other hand, acknowledges the effort. "Tell me about your drawing. I see that you like purple" is more helpful than saying, "That's the most beautiful picture I've ever seen." Too much praise can sap self-esteem because it can create pressure to perform and set up a continual need for approval from others. So dole out the praise judiciously and offer encouragement liberally; it will your child grow up to feel good about himself.

The 90/10 Principle

Author: Stephen Covey

Discover the 90/10 Principle
It will change your life (or at least, the way you react to situations) 
What is this Principle?
10% of life is made up
of what happens to you.
…90% of life is decided by
how you react…
What does this mean?

We really have NO control
over 10% of what happens to us.
We cannot stop the car from breaking down.
The plane will be late arriving, which throws our whole schedule off.
A driver may cut us off in the traffic.

We have NO control over this 10%.
The other 90% is different.
You determine the other 90%.

How?... By your reaction.
You cannot control a red light.
However, you can control your reaction.

Do not let people fool you.
YOU can control how you react.

Let us use an example…
You are having breakfast with your family.
Your daughter knocks over a cup of coffee
Onto your business shirt.

You have no control over what has just happened.
What happens next will be determined by how you react

You curse.
You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over.
She breaks down in tears.

After scolding her, you turn to your wife
and you criticize her for placing the cup
too close to the edge of the table.
A short verbal battle follows.

You storm upstairs and change your shirt.
Back downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busy crying to finish her breakfast and getting ready to go to school.
She misses the bus.

Your spouse must leave immediately for work.
You rush to the car and drive your daughter to school.

Because you are late, you drive 40 miles per hour in a 30 mph speed limit zone.

After a 15-minute delay and throwing $60.00 traffic fine away, you arrive at school.
Your daughter runs into the building without saying goodbye.

After arriving at the office 20 minute late, you realize you forgot your briefcase.

Your day has started terrible. As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse.
You look forward to coming home.

When you arrive home, you find a small wedge in your relationship with your wife and daughter.

Because of how you reacted in the morning.

Why did you have a bad day?

A) Did the coffee cause it?
B) Did your daughter cause it?
C) Did the policeman cause it?
D) Did you cause it?

The answer is “D”

You had no control over what happened with the coffee.

How you reacted in those 5 seconds is what caused your bad day.

Here is what could have and should have happened.

Coffe splashes over you.
Your daughter is about to cry.

You gently say:
“It’s okay, honey, you just need to be more careful next time.”

Grabbing a towel you go upstairs and change your shirt. You grab your briefcase, and you come back down in time to look through
the window and see your child getting on the bus.
She turns and waves. You arrive 5 minutes early a cheerfully greet the staff.
Notice the difference?
Two different scenarios.
Both started the same.
Both ended different.
Because of how you reacted.

You really have no control over 10% of what happens in your life.
The other 90% was determined by your reaction.

Here are some ways to apply the 90/10 Principle.

If someone says something negative about you, do not be a sponge.
Let the attack roll off like water on glass.
You do not have to let the negative comments affect you.

React properly and it will not ruin your day.
A wrong reaction could result in losing a friend, being fired, or getting stressed out.

How do you react if someone cuts you off in the traffic?

Do you lose your temper?
Pound on the steering wheel? (a friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off),
Do you curse? Does your blood pressure skyrocket?
Who cares if you arrive 10 seconds later at work?
Why let the cars ruin your drive?

Remember the 90/10 Principle
and don’t worry about it.

You are told you lost your job.
Why lose sleep and get irritated?
It will work out.

Use your worrying energy and time to find a new job.

The plane is late. It is going to mangle your schedule for the day.

Why take out your frustration on the flight attendant?
She has no control over what is going on.

Use your time to study, get to know the other passenger, why stress out?
It will just make things worse.

Now you know the 90/10 Principle.
Apply it and you will be amazed at the results.
You will lose nothing if you try it.

The 90/10 Principle is incredible.
Very few know and apply this Principle.

The result?

You will see it by yourself!

Millions of people are suffering from undeserved stress, trials, problems and headaches.

We all must understand and apply the 90/10 Principle.
It can change your life!

…Enjoy it...

It only takes willpower to give ourselves permission to make the experience.

Absolutely everything we do, give, say, or even think, it’s like a Boomerang. It will come back to us...

If we want to receive, we need to learn to give first... Maybe we will end with our hands empty,
but our heart will be filled with love...

And those who love life, have that feeling marked in their hearts …

Bertahan atau berundur?

Melalui emel:

Konflik rumahtangga berterusan iaitu kecurangan pasangan
Di sini persoalannya mahu bertahan atau berundur?

Apabila berlaku konflik ini tentu sekali kewajipan
Terhadap isteri dan anak diabaikan.Perbelanj aan
Rumah tangga si isteri yang tanggung malahan
si isteri juga menanggung si suami termasuklah
Perbelanjaan si suami dengan teman wanitanya
Kerana pendapatan suami tidak mencukupi.
Si isteri betul-betul tertekan tetapi cubalah
Pertahan rumahtangga yang dibina dan jangan

Cuba usahakan tip pengerat cinta suami isteri ini.
Diambil dari laman :www.wanita2u. com

Mulakan dari sekarang :Mungkin pasangan akan rasa pelik
Atau janggal tetapi usaha yang baik jika tidak dimulai
Tentu rugi malah jika dilakukan berbaloi

*Cium tangan suami dan dahi isteri setiap kali sebelum
Berpisah ketempat kerja masing-masing.

*Jika berpisah lebih dari sehari seperti tugasan luar daerah,
Tambah rutin harian tadi dengan pelukan dan ciuman dibibir.

*Walau sesibuk mana sekalipun ,luangkan masa menelefon pasangan
Sekurang-kurangnya sekali walau sekadar untuk bertanya apa yang

*Sentiasa ucapkan kata-kata sayang seperti I Love You sepenuh hati
Sebelum keluar kemana-mana, menamatkan perbualan ditelefon dan
Sebelum tidur.

*Sentiasa mencari peluang untuk makan tengah hari bersama kerana
Pastinya ia tiada gangguan anak-anak jika pada hari bekerja.

*Amalkan bertanya apa yang berlaku sepanjang hari selepas pulang
Dari kerja sebagai tanda ambil berat dan memberi peluang pasangan
Meluahkan perasaan.

*Luangkan masa untuk berbual tentang apa saja dari isu rumahtangga
Hinggalah politik semasa sebelum tidur

*Mudah berbaik jika berlaku sebarang pertelingkahan, jangan biar berlarutan
Walau untuk satu jam sekalipun apatah berhari-hari.

*Teman Pasangan semasa menonton rangcangan kegemaran mereka walau sambil
Membaca akhbar misalnya,kerana apa yang penting ialah berada disisi

*Jangan sesekali berpisah tempat tidur walau anak sudah berderet atau
Usia sudah meningkat kerana ia adalah salah satu amalan penting untuk
Mengeratkan kasih sayang.

*Amalkan solat berjemaah semasa dirumah,berdoa bersama serta bersalam-
Salaman selepas solat.

*Biasakan bergilir gelas atau pinggan semasa makan serta tidak segan
Atau geli untuk menghabiskan makanan atau minuman isteri atau suami.

*Sesekali,buatlah kejutan seperti membeli hadiah atau kad untuk
Peristiwa tertentu,memakai pakaian dalam yang seksi atau apa saja
Yang anda tahu pasangan pasti menyukai.

*Senda gurau dalam rumahtangga amat penting,ceritalah sesuatu yang
Kelakar,teka- teki atau apa sahaja yang membolehkan anda ketawa

Tawan hati pasangan semula,perbaiki diri kita,
Jika segala usaha daya telah dilakukan ,berdoa
Dan bertawakal.. .Tentu Masih Ada Kasih Sayang Bertaut.

Pincangnya satu-satu hubungan pasangan ialah kemesraan yang amat
kurang dan terlalu memendam perasaan .Apabila hal demikian mengambil
tempat,renungkan ...'dan berbuat baiklah,kerana sesungguhnya
ALLAH menyukai (mencintai) orang yang berbuat baik.'

Salah satu kaedah berbuat baik ialah saling memahami
dan komukasi hati ke hati.



"Dan Dialah yang membiarkan dua laut mengalir (berdampingan) ; yang ini tawar lagi segar dan yang lain masin lagi pahit; dan Dia jadikan antara keduanya dinding dan batas yang menghalangi." (Q.S Al Furqan:53)

Jika Anda termasuk orang yang gemar menonton rancangan TV `Discovery' pasti kenal Mr. Jacques Yves Costeau, ia seorang ahli oceanografer dan ahli selam terkemuka dari Perancis. Orang tua yang berambut putih ini sepanjang hidupnya menyelam ke perbagai dasar samudera di seantero dunia dan membuat filem dokumentari tentang keindahan alam dasar laut untuk ditonton di seluruh dunia.

Pada suatu hari ketika sedang melakukan eksplorasi di bawah laut, tiba-tiba ia menemui beberapa kumpulan mata air tawar-segar yang sangat sedap rasanya kerana tidak bercampur/tidak melebur dengan air laut yang masin di sekelilingnya, seolah-olah ada dinding atau membran yang membatasi keduanya.

Fenomena ganjil itu memeningkan Mr. Costeau dan mendorongnya untuk mencari penyebab terpisahnya air tawar dari air masin di tengah-tengah lautan. Ia mulai berfikir, jangan-jangan itu hanya halusinansi atau khalayan sewaktu menyelam. Waktu pun terus berlalu setelah kejadian tersebut, namun ia tak kunjung mendapatkan jawapan yang memuaskan tentang fenomena ganjil tersebut.

Sampai pada suatu hari ia bertemu dengan seorang profesor muslim, kemudian ia pun menceritakan fenomena ganjil itu. Profesor itu teringat pada ayat Al Quran tentang bertemunya dua lautan ( surat Ar-Rahman ayat 19-20) yang sering diidentikkan dengan Terusan Suez . Ayat itu berbunyi "Marajal bahraini yaltaqiyaan, bainahumaa barzakhun laa yabghiyaan.. ."Artinya: "Dia biarkan dua lautan bertemu, di antara keduanya ada batas yang tidak boleh ditembus." Kemudian dibacakan surat Al Furqan ayat 53 di atas.

Selain itu, dalam beberapa kitab tafsir, ayat tentang bertemunya dua lautan tapi tak bercampur airnya diertikan sebagai lokasi muara sungai, di mana terjadi pertemuan antara air tawar dari sungai dan air masin dari laut. Namun tafsir itu tidak menjelaskan ayat berikutnya dari surat Ar-Rahman ayat 22 yang berbunyi "Yakhruju minhuma lu'lu`u wal marjaan" ertinya "Keluar dari keduanya mutiara dan marjan." Padahal di muara sungai tidak
ditemukan mutiara.

Terpesonalah Mr. Costeau mendengar ayat-ayat Al Qur'an itu, melebihi kekagumannya melihat keajaiban pemandangan yang pernah dilihatnya di lautan yang dalam. Al Qur'an ini mustahil disusun oleh Muhammad yang hidup di abad ke tujuh, suatu zaman saat belum ada peralatan selam yang canggih untuk mencapai lokasi yang jauh terpencil di kedalaman samudera. Benar-benar suatu mukjizat, berita tentang fenomena ganjil 14 abad yang silam akhirnya terbukti pada abad 20. Mr. Costeau pun berkata bahawa Al Qur'an memang sesungguhnya kitab suci yang berisi firman Allah, yang seluruh kandungannyamutlak benar. Dengan seketika dia pun memeluk Islam.

Allahu Akbar...! Mr. Costeau mendapat hidayah melalui fenomena teknologi kelautan. Maha Benar Allah yang Maha Agung. Shadaqallahu Al `Azhim.Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Sesungguhnya hati manusia akan berkarat sebagaimana besi yang dikaratkan oleh air." Bila seorang bertanya, "Apakah caranya untuk menjadikan hati-hati ini bersih kembali?" Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, "Selalulah ingat mati dan membaca Al Quran."

Jika anda seorang penyelam, maka anda harus mengunjungi  
Cenote Angelita, Mexico. Disana ada sebuah gua. Jika anda menyelam sampai kedalaman 30 meter, airnya air segar (tawar), namun jika anda menyelam sampai kedalaman lebih dari 60 meter, airnya menjadi air masin, lalu anda dapat melihat sebuah "sungai" di dasarnya, lengkap dengan pohon dan daun daunan.

Setengah pengkaji mengatakan, itu bukanlah sungai biasa, itu adalah lapisan hidrogen sulfida, nampak seperti sungai... luar biasa bukan? Lihatlah betapa hebatnya ciptaan Allah SWT.

Kenapa Kite Dilarang Menggunakan Handphone Ketika Mengisi Minyak?

Melalui emel:
Kenapa Kite Dilarang Menggunakan Handphone Ketika Mengisi Minyak?????.....
meh kite tengok ekspiremen sains kat bawah nie...untuk buktikan betapa bahaya nyer isi minyak sambil berbual atau sms pakai handphone...

sebelom tu, kite sediakan bahan2 serta alatan yang diperlukan.. Iaitu :-
1. Kuali sebijik...cari yang leper tu...
2. 3 bijik kad..kad manila pon buleh..tapi jangan pakai mycard, kad kredit ataupon kad ATM, mahupon sim card...
3. 1 rol kertas foil...kertas timah tu laa....yang macam bungkusan kedua corn flakes tu laa...
4. Handphone sebijik...dan pastikan gak ade kredit...
5. Minyak petrol sikit..kalo xnak beli kat stesen...curik jer kat moto abang, ayah atau adik korang...


susun kad tadi lebeh kurang macam nie...

letak plak kertas foil tu atas kad tadi..

letak petrol ckit...


api menyala !!!

peringatan,anda dinasihatkan untuk tidak mengunakan handphone ketika di stesen minyak.....


Nombor telefon kereta peronda lebuhraya

Melalui emel:
Jika and diganggu atau ditimpa musibah di lebuhraya, terus hubungi nombor-nombor ini.  Walaubagaimanapun, no 999 tetap boleh digunakan, cuma nombor-nombor ini terus kepada kereta peronda.  Biasanya, kalau kita call 999, mereka akan minta no. telefon kita dan pusat operasi akan hubungi kereta peronda di lokasi kita dan peronda akan hubungi kita melalui nombor telefon yang dibekalkan dalam kereta peronda.  Proses ini ambil masa hampir 15 minit.  Oleh itu boleh terus call saja, mana tahu, kereta peronda itu berada dekat dengan kita.   

Bukit Kayu Hitam-Alor Setar-Sungai Petani   013-3836002

Butterworth- Kulim-Bandar Baru      013-3836003

Jawi-Changkat Jering- Ipoh      013-3836005

Ipoh-Tapah-Tanjung Malim     013-3837140

Tanjung Malim-Sungai Buloh-Bukit Raja    013-3836009

Sungai Besi-Seremban- Ayer Keroh, Seremban-Port Dickson       013-3837144

Ayer Keroh-Pagoh- Ayer Hitam     013-3837143

Ayer Hitam-Senai- JB, Taman Perling-Tg Kupang (Second Link)     013-3836016

KL-Klang, Shah Alam-Nilai-Sepang    013-3836017

Sri Petaling-Klang, Damansara-Puchong Sprint (Kerinchi Link)     013-3836018

KL-Karak   019-3244010


Tips: Why good employee resigned?

Received from email.
"People don't leave organisations; they leave their bosses."

This is an old cliche. According to a survey by, almost 71 per cent of employees look for new jobs because of problems with their bosses. A recent Gallup survey of over 1,000,000 employees found that, if a company was losing good people, the biggest reason was their immediate supervisors.

What makes it ironical is that, more often than not, it is your future boss who ends up taking your final interview. And while they try and understand the way you fit in with their teams, it is your responsibility to understand their management style as well. So, when you get an opportunity to turn the tables on them, here are some questions you must ask.

What are your key expectations from team members?

Often, as an answer to this question, most supervisors start by describing traits demonstrated by their favorite employees in the team. This can be a great clue to understanding what it is going to take to get into your boss's good books. If your boss-to-be says he wants team members to take initiative and perform independently, you know he is not going to micromanage and breathe down your neck everyday. If he says that they expect team members to 'go the extra mile' and work hard, you will spoil your impression by trying to sneak out of office early every day.

What does it take to succeed in a role like this?

This question will help you achieve two things. First, it will help you understand the standards your boss expects you to meet. Second, you will come across as someone who is keen on succeeding. You must also ask how success is measures in the team as it depends on a boss's managerial style. For instance, if it's a sales oriented position, will you be rewarded only for exceeding sales, or are there rewards for customer satisfaction, teamwork etc? Try and get specific answers from the employer, as this will be an indication of where you should focus your energies if you intend to take up the job.

Could you tell me more about the composition of the current team?

What you are really asking your boss-to-be is to describe the people in his team. This is a great question to check his or her people skills. You will find out if he or she invests enough time in knowing the team well. Watch out for what is said. Is there pride when he or she speaks about the team? Does the boss know a lot about the team members? Often, a good boss will take pride when describing his or her team, and this will reflect in the tone and enthusiasm. You don't want to work for someone who hardly bothers to connect with you as a person.

What is your personal management style?

Ideally, you would want to know the boss's problem-solving approach and the way he or she manages people and resources. Does the boss have a hands-on approach or prefer to delegate responsibilities? He or she may like to take charge and be in control all the time, or may trust the team completely and simply supervise. This is important to know or you may mistake the boss's enthusiasm to help you as interference with your work.

What has your experience with the company been like so far?

This is a tricky question, as almost every boss will try and give you a positive response. You need to watch out for body language, tone and overall attitude while they describe their experience. If they show indifference or give you a lukewarm response, it is an indication that what they say is just an attempt to get you into the organisation. If they have a smile on their faces and enjoy describing their experience, you shouldn't have any hesitation about working for them.

Even a great job can turn into a bad experience if you don't get along with the person you work for. Asking the right questions at the interview will save you from nasty surprises later.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Talents of a Middle-Aged Brain

The Talents of a Middle-Aged Brain


After we hit 40, many of us begin to worry about our aging brains. Will we spend our middle years searching for car keys and forgetting names?

The new book “The Secret Life of the Grown-Up Brain: The Surprising Talents of the Middle-Aged Mind,” by Barbara Strauch, has the answers, and the news is surprisingly upbeat. Sure, brains can get forgetful as they get old, but they can also get better with age, reports Ms. Strauch, who is also the health editor at The New York Times. Ms. Strauch, who previously tackled teenage brains in her book “The Primal Teen,” spoke with me this week about aging brains and the people who have them. Here’s our conversation:

Barbara Strauch
Q. After exploring the teenage brain, why did you decide to write a book about grown-ups?
A. Well, I have a middle-aged brain, for one thing. When I would go give talks about “The Primal Teen,” I’d be driven to the airport or back by a middle-aged person, and they’d turn to me and say: “You should do something about my brain. My brain is suddenly horrible. I can’t remember names.” That’s why I started looking into it. I had my own middle-aged issues like going into an elevator and seeing somebody and thinking, “Who are you?” 
Q. So what’s the bad news about the middle-aged brain?
A. Obviously, there are issues with short-term memory. There are declines in processing speed and in neurotransmitters, the chemicals in our brain. But as it turns out, modern middle age is from 40 to 65. During this long time in the middle, if we’re relatively healthy our brains may have a few issues, but on balance they’re better than ever during that period.
Q. Do teenage brains and middle-aged brains have much in common?
A. The thing the middle-aged brain shares with the teenage brain is that it’s still developing. It’s not some static blob that is going inexorably downhill. Scientists found that when they watched the brains of teenagers, the brains were expanding and growing and cutting back and shaping themselves, even when the kids are 25 years old. I think for many years scientists just left it at that. They thought that from 25 on, we just get “stupider.” But that’s not true. They’ve found that during this period, the new modern middle age, we’re better at all sorts of things than we were at 20.
Q. So what kinds of things does a middle-aged brain do better than a younger brain?
A. Inductive reasoning and problem solving — the logical use of your brain and actually getting to solutions. We get the gist of an argument better. We’re better at sizing up a situation and reaching a creative solution. They found social expertise peaks in middle age. That’s basically sorting out the world: are you a good guy or a bad guy? Harvard has studied how people make financial judgments. It peaks, and we get the best at it in middle age.
Q. Doesn’t that make sense, since our young adult lives are often marked by bad decisions?
A. I think most of us think that while we make bad decisions in our 20s, we also have the idea that we were the sharpest we ever were when we were in college or graduate school. People think if I tried to go to engineering school or medical school now, I couldn’t do it. Because of these memory problems that happen in middle age, we tend to think of our brains as, on the whole, worse than in our 20s. But on the whole, they’re better.
Q. So what’s happening in middle age that leads to these improvements?
A. What we have by middle age is all sorts of connections and pathways that have been built up in our brain that help us. They know from studies that humans and animals do better if they have a little information about a situation before they encounter it. By middle age we’ve seen a lot. We’ve been there, done that. Our brains are primed to navigate the world better because they’ve been navigating the world better for longer.
There also are some other physical changes that they can see. We used to think we lost 30 percent of our brain cells as we age. But that’s not true. We keep them. That’s probably the most encouraging finding about the physical nature of our brain cells.

Q. Is there anything you can do to keep your brain healthy and improve the deficits, like memory problems?
A. There’s a lot of hype in this field in terms of brain improvement. I did set out to find out what actually works and what we know. What we do with our bodies has a huge impact on our brains. Our brains are more like our hearts in that everything you do for your heart is thought to be equally as good or better for your brain. Exercise is the best studied thing you can do to your brain. It increases brain volume, produces new baby brain cells in grownup brains. Even when our muscles contract, it produces growth chemicals. Using your body can help your brain.
Q. What about activities like learning to play an instrument or learning a foreign language?
A. The studies on this are slim. We’ve all been told to do crossword puzzles. Learning a foreign language, walking a different way to work, all that is an effort to make the brain work hard. And it’s true we need to make our brains work hard. One of the most intriguing findings is that if you talk to people who disagree with you, that helps your brain wake up and refine your arguments and shake up the cognitive egg, which is what you want to do.
Q. Do social connections and relationships make a difference in how the brain ages?
A. There is a whole bunch of science about being social and how cognitive function seems to be better if you are social. There is a fascinating study in Miami where they studied people who lived in apartments. Those who had balconies where they could see their neighbors actually aged better cognitively than others. There are a whole bunch of studies like that. People who volunteer and help kids seem to age better and help their brains. We forget how difficult it is to meet, greet and deal with another human being. It’s hard on our brains and good for them.
Q. What was the most surprising thing you learned about the middle-aged brain?
A. The hope I saw from real scientists was surprising. A lot of the myths we think of in terms of middle age, myths that I grew up with, turn out to be based on almost nothing. Things like the midlife crisis or the empty nest syndrome. We’re brought up to think we’ll enter middle age and it will be kind of gloomy. But as scientists look at real people, they find out the contrary. One study of men found that well-being peaked at age 65. Over and over they find that middle age, instead of being a time of depression and decline, is actually a time of being more optimistic overall.